Professorn och rörelseforskaren Andrew Jamison menar att det som händer på flera Sociala Forum snarare är traditionell, fast intressant, akademi än social rörelse eller aktivism:
””at the most recent social forum in Lund in February (2007), it was pretty obvious that the claims that are made in the book about social forums being a part of a global social movement are, to put it mildly, highly questionable. In my seminar, we had a good discussion about the effects of globalization on science, but there was certainly nothing at the forum that could meaningfully be characterized as activism, or for that matter, a social movement. It reminded me more of an academic conference than anything else, and a fairly traditionally organized conference at that.”
Andrew Jamison, recension av Wennerhag, m fl, Aktivister: Sociala forum, globala sociala rörelser och demokratins förnyelse, Atlas, 2006, i Sociologisk Forskning 2007:1.
Ett skäl till intrycket kan ju vara att forumet tog plats i Sverige. I Sverige har vi en ovanligt diskussions/prat-orienterad politisk kultur.