14 september 2007

Antistrategi enligt Foucault

I tradition från Aristoteles och Kant vänder sig Foucault mot det instrumentella, strategiska handlandet där människor, organisationer och aktioner reduceras till medel för ett framtida mål. För Foucault är inte meningen i det politiska handlandet något mystiskt annat, något icke närvarande, ett frånvarande mål:

"If someone ask me what it is I think I am doing, I would answer: if the strategist is a man who says "what importance does a particular death, a particular cry, a particular uprising have in relation to the great necessity of the whole, and of what importance to me is such-and-such a general principle in the specific situation in which we find ourselves?" then it is indifferent to me whether the strategist is a politician, a historian, a revolutionary, someone who supports the Shah or the ayatollah. My theoretical morality is the opposite. It is "antistrategic": be respectful when singularity rises up, and intransigent when power infringes on the universal."

Source: "Is it useless to revolt" (Inutile de se soulever?). Quoted here from Foucauldian Reflections. Who quoted from Eribon, Michel Foucault, (pp. 290-91).

2 kommentarer:

  1. Det här var ju ett förhållandevis lättförståeligt citat. Lättförståelighet är ju annars inte Foucault signum. Han, tillsammans med en uppsjö av andra intellektuella, kan verkligen uttrycka sig tillkrånglat och på en så hög abstraktionsnivå att man fruktar syrebrist. Vissa utav dem vill kanske hävda att det är en nödvändighet, en förutsättning, eller rent av en del av deras mening. Men när jag stöter på sådana texter brukar jag roa mig med att tänka på vad Noam Chomsky har sagt i en intervju:
    "[...]I don't see any need to say in a complicated way what you can say in an easier way. You can make things look complicated, that's part of the game that intellectuals play; things must look complicated. You might not be conscious about that, but it's a way of gaining prestige, power and influence.

    QUESTION: Do you look at Foucault's work in this perspective?

    CHOMSKY: Foucault is an interesting case because I'm sure he honestly wants to undermine power but I think with his writings he reinforced it. The only way to understand Foucault is if you are a graduate student or you are attending a university and have been trained in this particular style of discourse. That's a way of guaranteeing, it might not be his purpose, but that's a way of guaranteeing that intellectuals will have power, prestige and influence. If something can be said simply, say it simply, so that the carpenter next door can understand you. Anything that is at all well understood about human affairs is pretty simple. I find Foucault really interesting but I remain skeptical of his mode of expression. I find that I have to decode him, and after I have decoded him, maybe I'm missing something. I don't get the significance of what I am left with. I have never effectively understood what he was talking about[...]"

  2. Jo, ibland är Foucault svår. Men han har otroligt spännande reflektioner. Och tyvärr är det försent att skicka honom på en författarkurs.
